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Data and Computer Communications International Edition 10E > 경동대

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  • Data and Computer Communications International Edition 10E
    Data and C 42,000
Data and Computer Communications International Edition 10E > 경동대

Data and Computer Communications International Edition 10E 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for Prof. Baseem Al-athwari of Kyungdong Uni.

저자 : William Stallings

시중가격 44,000원
판매가격 42,000원
출판사 Pearson Education Limited
발행일18 Dec 2013
ISBN 9781292014388
페이지912 pages
크기 178 x 233 x 35 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 United Kingdom
무게 1360g
원산지 United Kingdom
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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    상품 상세설명

    Two-time winner of the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook of the year award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association For a one/two-semester courses in Computer Networks, Data Communications, and Communications Networks in CS, CIS, and Electrical Engineering departments. With a focus on the most current technology and a convenient modular format, this best-selling text offers a clear and comprehensive survey of the entire data and computer communications field. Emphasizing both the fundamental principles as well as the critical role of performance in driving protocol and network design, it explores in detail all the critical technical areas in data communications, wide-area networking, local area networking, and protocol design.

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