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  • Minding the Store: A Big Story about a Small Business
    Minding th 23,000
Minding the Store: A Big Story about a Small Business > George Mason Uni.

Minding the Store: A Big Story about a Small Business 요약정보 및 구매

Textbook for George Mason Korea

저자 :

시중가격 26,500원
판매가격 23,000원
출판사 Algonquin Books
ISBN 9781616206628
크기 228.6 x 193.04
언어 ENG
무게 63503
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    "I really enjoyed this book. In fact, I could go for a second helping "--Amy Sedaris

    "Entrepreneurs will learn a thing or two about translating a dream into thoughtful business growth, and everyone will laugh, cry, and nod along with a woman who has chosen to live an extraordinary life amidst many piles of dishes." --Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group, founder of Shake Shack, author of the New York Times bestseller Setting the Table

    In this charming graphic memoir, the founder of an iconic housewares shop recounts the ups and downs--and ups again--of starting a family business, starting a family, and staying true to one's path while trying to make it in the Big City.

    Whether it's a set of vintage plates from a 1920s steamship, a mug with a New Yorker cartoon on it, a tin of sprinkles designed by Amy Sedaris, or a juice glass from a Jazz Age hotel, Fishs Eddy products are distinctly recognizable. A New York institution, Fishs Eddy also remains a family business whose owners endured the same challenges as many family businesses--and lived to write about it in this tale filled with humorous characterizations of opinionated relatives, nosy neighbors, quirky employees, and above all the eccentric foibles of the founders themselves. Readers come to know author Julie Gaines and her husband, with whom she founded the store, and because this is a family business, the illustrations are all in the family, too: their son Ben Lenovitz's drawings bring Fishs Eddy to life with a witty style a la Roz Chast and Ben Katchor.

    Over the years the store has collaborated with artists and celebrities such as Charley Harper and Todd Oldham, Alan Cumming, and many others to produce original designs that are now found in thousands of stores throughout the country, and Fishs Eddy has garnered a huge amount of media coverage. A great gift for anyone who has ever dreamed of opening a little business--or anyone with any kind of dream--Minding the Store offers wisdom, inspiration, and an exceedingly entertaining story.

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